Monday, August 1, 2011


Am i an anti social person ? ohman, im not pretty sure with this ;)
when i review back my contact numbers in my phone, i do realize that, its darn long to me to contact with some of the friends in my contact list.
Every of my friends is busy with their college studies. its make us to have a distance between us.
Seriously, i kinda miss my friends who are no longer stay at KK, but what to do? time wouldn't stop at that second to wait for you!
hmm i just force myself to face the FACT. The hardest thing for us is to back to the past, flash back the memories is the only medicine that can cure my sorrow.

"I need to learn to be independent right now. COMPANION wouldn't stay by my side and accompany me forever. I need to set my aim and go for it. Be tough enough to face any obstacles"

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